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Safesite Glossary - Key Terms and Definitions
Safesite Glossary - Key Terms and Definitions

These are words you’ll commonly see when you use Safesite

Crystal King avatar
Written by Crystal King
Updated over 11 months ago



Track progress and trends by reviewing the Analysis pages for inspections, meetings, hazards, observations, and incidents on the Safesite Admin Dashboard. In addition to displaying a heatmap of completed assigned actions, you'll also find graphical charts that display breakdowns of other relevant information reported by your personnel from their Safety Actions.


You can think of a Safety Campaign as a group of Action Cards assigned to specific personnel on a set schedule. Campaigns make things simple for mobile users by taking the guesswork out of knowing which template they should use by allowing admins to pre-assign them from the Safesite Admin Dashboard. Campaigns help improve accountability and safety engagement by allowing admins to specify the meeting or inspection template they want their personnel to complete.


Mobile users can upload their training certificates or vaccination cards to the Safesite mobile app. With just a few taps, employees can share their certificates within the app so that Admins can view them on the Safesite Admin Dashboard. Equipment certifications, OSHA 10 or 30 completion, and various other training certifications can also be uploaded. In addition, company-wide and personnel certificates can also be uploaded by Project or Organization Administrators from the Safesite Admin Dashboard.


The co-creator feature allows users to assist others with inspections, hazards, meetings, observations, and incidents so that their names are on the Safety Action reports.

Customer support

The best way to contact Safesite’s support team is to reach out through email at [email protected] or through the Safesite Admin Dashboard or mobile app Live Chat.



Some organizations need to monitor the use and maintenance of equipment. Safesite’s Equipment feature allows you to register and track information about individual pieces of equipment, including locations and maintenance schedules. An equipment list can also be exported for the equipment logged to a specific project from the Safesite Admin Dashboard or Safesite mobile app.

The Project Administrators can set up notifications for each relevant project to receive a Daily and/or Weekly Summary which will alert them when equipment inspections are due soon or overdue.

Equipment inspections

Equipment inspections can be logged to pieces of equipment through the Safesite mobile app to track maintenance.



Larger organizations with divisions, segments, or regions create Groups that allow administrators to manage and organize multiple projects together to review reports, analyses, and Safesite Score averages. After creating a Group of 2 or more projects, project information can be viewed on the Group Dashboard.

Group reporting is available for Premium Safesite accounts and above.

Group Dashboard

The Group Dashboard gives information for a Group of projects, comparing the performance of each project associated with it. The information on the Group Dashboard includes the projects' Safesite Scores, Actions Summary, and Weekly Actions Project Leaderboard.


Guests who have been invited at the project level can complete any safety actions within the mobile app, such as recording observations, raising/resolving hazards, and conducting inspections. They can also be assigned safety actions through Campaigns.

It's important to note that guests cannot be admins and cannot access the Safesite desktop reporting. The weekly safety actions of Guests are not factored into the Safesite Score. Guests do not take a paid seat in the Organization.

Guests can be added to specific projects from the Safesite Desktop after selecting the Project and Project details Personnel ➔ selecting Guest from the Type dropdown.

Guests can also be added as Co-Creators on Safety Items and as Meeting attendees while conducting Meetings on the Safesite Mobile app.


A hazard is a source or situation with the potential to cause injury or ill health. Hazard management and communication are integral to maintaining a safe working environment. Hazards can be recorded and resolved through the Safesite mobile app. Hazard Safety Action reports can be viewed and exported by admins on the Safesite Admin Dashboard.

Incident reports

OSHA defines an incident as "an unplanned, undesired event that adversely affects the completion of a task.” Companies typically respond to incidents, either by recording them to analyze and track safety metrics or by taking proactive steps such as holding a quick safety meeting to discuss the events that led to the incident.

The incident report feature of the Safesite mobile app allows your users to keep track of any incident that may occur while directly on the job site. The incident types that are supported include near misses, injury, property damage, theft, and equipment failure. Incident reporting can be completed on the Safesite Admin Dashboard at a later date. This allows for additional documentation to be added for thoroughness (police reports, witness statements, medical reports, invoices, etc).


Inspections are audits and checklists used by various industries and organizations to standardize safe and/or efficient operations and/or ensure compliance. Safesite has its own library of templates to choose from that can be used on the Safesite mobile app. Organization and Project Administrators can add or create organization-specific inspection templates for personnel to access via the Safesite mobile app.

Inspection templates

Using inspection templates is a quick and easy way to standardize your most frequent inspections to make sure your organization is always in sync.

Safesite allows Project and Organization Administrators to create, edit, and update your organization's library of Inspection templates.



Locations are worksites that can be added to each project location list when users enter Safety Actions on the mobile app. Admins also have the option to add locations on the Safesite Admin Dashboard Locations are sortable and can be filtered when reviewing Safety Action reports.



A meeting is a safety action also known as toolbox talk or safety talk. The meeting feature allows you to track the topics, attendees list, and follow-up actions that are discussed during a meeting from the Safesite mobile app. Observations, hazards, comments, and pictures can be logged within a meeting. Afterward, meetings can be reviewed or exported from the Safesite mobile app or Safesite Admin Dashboard.

Meeting templates

Safesite allows you to create, manage, and update your organization library’s meeting templates with safety meetings and toolbox talks. The Safesite library of meeting templates is also available to be assigned through Safety Campaigns and used by mobile users.

Mobile user

Mobile users are personnel who utilize the mobile app to complete their Safety Actions which are assigned through Campaigns for the projects they are on. Once the Safety Actions are logged, the reports will be visible in reporting and analytics through the Safesite Admin Dashboard for administrators to view. Mobile users can be added to the Project Personnel list as Project Admin, Member, or Guests.

Monthly reports

Monthly reports combine all individual safety action reports such as hazards, inspections, etc., into one easy-to-read document which can be emailed to anyone with a valid email address. They are accessible by Project or Organization Administrators.


Project Administrators can manage their personal project email notification preferences for Daily and Weekly Summaries under the tab Project Details - My Notifications.


Observations are positive or negative safety-related actions or conditions in a work area. Mobile users can gather and log safety observation data or activities in real-time by uploading a picture, tagging a location, and adding a description. Admin can analyze and share safety observation insights from the Safesite Admin Dashboard to make safety program improvements and fix problems faster.


An organization consists of all groups, projects, teams, and personnel members. Typically, your organization's name within Safesite is the name of the company you work for.

Organization Administrator (Org Admin)

Organization Administrators have the highest level of permissions within an organization. They are often the top-level safety managers for an organization. They can manage all aspects of any Project or Group within the organization from the Safesite Admin Dashboard.

Organization member

Organization members are able to access the Safesite app as mobile users to complete Safety Actions for projects they are added to. They can be given access as a Project Administrator at the project level for specific projects if needed.

Organization Safesite Score

The Organization Safesite Score is derived for Foresight-insured clients to determine how well the assigned Safety Actions are being met as prescribed in the Safety Success Plan. This is calculated on a monthly basis and is viewable under the Organization tab and Score for Org Admins to view.

OSHA 300 log

The OSHA Form 300 is a form for employers to record all reportable injuries and

illnesses that occur in the workplace, where and when they occur, the nature of the case, the name and job title of the employee injured or made sick, and the number of days away from work or on restricted or light duty, if any.

Safesite's incident report tracks recordable injuries and illnesses based on the calendar (not fiscal) year for every project and auto-fills the OSHA 300 log based on each project. Project or Org Administrator can automatically add a serious or recordable incident to the OSHA 300 log with just 1 click.



The personnel types on the Safesite platform include Organization Administrators, Organization Members, Project Administrators, Project Members, and Project Guests. Personnel must be added to projects by an Organization Administrator to begin entering Safety Actions for their company organization’s project.


Projects allow you to segment and review the reporting and analytics for Safety Actions mobile users complete on the Safesite mobile app. Before mobile users can start entering Safety Actions for their Organization through the Safesite mobile app, Organization Administrators must create a project and Invite Personnel.

Organizations that are looking to utilize the Safesite Score can set up one project with a Campaign for their organization’s safety program. Foresight-insured clients will generally have one project set up for their organization during onboarding.

Organizations that contract long-term jobs which run for months or years can set up projects based on the Site Location or the Job’s Name.

Organizations that contract short-term jobs that run for days or weeks can set up project(s) under individual people.

Project Administrator (Project Admin)

Project Administrators manage a project. They are only able to manage the projects they have been given admin permissions for by an org admin.

Project Administrators will receive email notifications for each project they are on which will include daily reports, weekly reports, and project status updates on whether a project is paused, inactive, or archived.

Project Leaderboard

The Project Leaderboard window lists the top-performing projects in a group, in terms of how well they are meeting their Safety Actions assigned within Campaigns. They are ranked based on the percentage of required Actions completed based on Campaigns, rather than the raw number of Safety Actions completed. The Project Leaderboard can be viewed in the Group Dashboard.

Project Safesite Score

The Safesite Score is a letter grade calculated daily to quantify your project member’s safety engagement and performance within the Safesite app. The score is presented from A to D and is generated for projects via the Projects Dashboard and groups via the Groups Dashboard.

Project Settings

The Project Settings page allows Project Administrators to manage project details such as project name, start date, end date, timezone, adding to groups, address, and status.


Teams are a subset of personnel on a project. All personnel types can be added to a team, however, personnel are not required to be on a team.

Teams are used heavily in the hazard resolution process and are a great way to segment personnel, subcontractors, and trades on your projects. Teams can also be assigned to observations or to equipment for reporting purposes.


Safesite Admin dashboard (aka Safesite desktop portal)

The Safesite Admin dashboard is accessible through a desktop browser or a tablet by Project and Organization Administrators. The management of personnel, project settings, Safety Action reports, and analysis pages is conducted from the Safesite Desktop.

Safesite mobile app

Mobile users utilize the mobile app to complete their Safety Actions, including inspections, meetings, hazards, observations, and incidents. Personnel certificates can also be uploaded on the Safesite Mobile app and completed Safety Actions can be exported.

Safety Actions

Safety Actions are inspections, meetings, hazards, observations, and incidents recorded from the Safesite mobile app by selecting Action Cards or by creating a new safety action by touching the + Plus Icon.

Safety Action Cards (aka Action Cards)

When mobile users access the Safesite app, the first screen that will appear is a list of action cards that are assigned to them. These cards represent unresolved hazards, incomplete actions, and daily, weekly, or one-off assigned actions that need to be completed as determined by the assigned Campaign.

Safety Action reports

After Safety Actions are completed on the Safesite mobile app, admins can review, download, and archive reports for inspections, observations, equipment, hazards, meetings, and incidents as needed.

Safety Success Planning

Safety Success Planning is held for Foresight Policyholders as the first step in the Safesite risk management process. This process includes being introduced to the Safesite team and technology, engaging stakeholders in setting safety goals for the company based upon the information from their loss runs and industry-specific Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, reviewing the current safety program, making recommendations on safety activities for the upcoming year, and attending training and regular check-ins.

Safety Success Managers

Safety Success Managers are the risk control consultants assigned to assist Foresight Insured clients. Safety Success Managers lead the collaboration on setting Safesite engagement tasks (Safety Campaigns) for mobile users. They look for ways to minimize risk and create a stronger safety culture while raising awareness of safety for all employees.

Template Library

Safesite allows you to create, manage, and update your library templates for safety meetings and inspections, whether you are using our current Safesite library or creating your own templates.


Weekly Actions Leaderboard

The Weekly Actions Leaderboard window lists the top-performing on your project, in terms of how well they are meeting their Safety Actions assigned within Campaigns. They are ranked based on the percentage of Actions met, rather than the raw number of Safety Actions completed.

Weekly reports

Weekly reports combine all individual Safety Action reports such as hazards, inspections, etc., into one easy-to-read document which can be emailed to anyone with a valid email address. They are accessible by Project or Organization Administrators.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Workers' compensation insurance gives employees benefits if they have a work-related injury or illness. Also known as workers' comp or workman's comp insurance, this coverage can help cover your injured or sick employees' medical expenses. It can also help replace wages from lost work time. Foresight’s tech-driven workers’ compensation program is available in select states to businesses through a broker relationship. Together, Foresight and Safesite tie safety engagement to insurance savings.

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