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Conducting a Meeting

You can easily conduct and report safety meetings with the mobile app

Crystal King avatar
Written by Crystal King
Updated over 11 months ago

Meetings are a great way to facilitate information on safety and regulations to your personnel. Conducting regular meetings, also known as toolbox talks, will assist in communicating and maintaining safety standards and keep you in compliance.

Safesite has its own library of templates to choose from, your Organization Administrators and Project Administrators can also add or create Organization-specific meetings for personnel to access.

Watch this video on how to conduct a meeting:

In this article:

How to conduct a meeting via the Safesite Mobile App

1. Open the Safesite app on your mobile device. If you see Action Cards displayed, select a Conduct Meeting card for the correct Project.

Note: Action cards with required meeting templates will show the meeting title and a dash. This indicates that a mobile user cannot change which template can be completed. Action cards without a dash will give you the ability to select a meeting topic yourself or swap out an assigned template.

If you want to create a meeting and there are no Conduct Meeting cards to select, you can also select the plus (+) icon at the bottom of the screen.

2. When selecting the plus (+) icon, the screen will redirect to the New Safety Action screen. Select Conduct Meeting and select the appropriate Project.

3.  Select a meeting location: Tap Select Location to choose a location from the resulting popup list, use the search bar at the top to narrow down the list, or add a new location entirely.

Note: If you do not have the option to create a new location and the appropriate location is not listed, an Administrator can add a new location from the Safesite Desktop or an Organization Administrator can update the who can create locations setting in the Organization Settings.

4. Select a meeting topic: Meeting topics can be assigned by an Admin through a Campaign or they can be selected from the Select Meeting Topic pop-up.

  • If there is already a meeting topic selected and no pencil icon next to the topic, it is a required meeting topic assigned to you by an Admin.

  • When the pencil icon is next to an assigned meeting topic, it is an optional topic and can be swapped out for a different one by selecting the pencil icon.

  • If the meeting topic has not already been selected, you can click on Select Meeting Topic to open the pop-up and choose your meeting.

  • The Recent tab displays topics that you have used recently. Custom templates that are specific to your organization will be accessible in the My Org tab. You can also utilize meeting topics from the Safesite tab to search our free library of hundreds of safety topics.

5. Answering talking points. As you progress through the meeting, use the checkmark button to confirm the talking point was discussed or select NA if the talking point was skipped.

Optional Actions are available for selected topics:

  • Select the eye icon to add an observation

  • Select the caution icon to add a hazard

  • Select the text bubble icon to add a comment.

6. Once all talking points have been completed, select Finish & Add Attendees.

7. Add meeting attendees by selecting the Add Attendee button. If the attendees are already personnel in the organization, they will appear on this list to be selected. Either type attendee names in the search bar or scroll to each name to tap their name and select them.

If there are new attendees who are not on the list and must be added, select Add New to open the Create New Person pop-up. In the fields, type the First Name, Last Name, and an optional email.

Note: If you notice any meeting attendees that should not be on this list any longer and need to be removed, Organization administrators can remove meeting attendees on the Organization Personnel page on the Safesite Desktop.

If you would like an attendee to be added to the organization and project as a member, enter their email and check the Invite to Project button. This will send them an email invite to access the project from the Safesite Mobile app and they will join your organization as a member.

8. After adding attendees, the attendees have the option to add their signatures by selecting the signature icon under their name.

9. A photo can also be added to complete the meeting if digital signatures cannot be obtained. Upload a photo of the attendees or the meeting's sign-in sheet.

Note: Uploading standard image files such as JPEG, GIF, and PNG is supported while PDF and other document formats are not supported.

IMPORTANT: To move forward and complete the meeting, either all of the attendees' signatures must be obtained or a photo must be added.

10. Once the meeting attendees have signed and/or a photo is uploaded, select Finish to complete and log the meeting.

Note: You are not able to edit meetings once they are completed. If additional details or meeting attendees need to be added before the completion of a meeting, save it as a draft instead by clicking the “X” at the top right and selecting “Yes, Save for later”.

💡Safesite Score Tips

  • Consistently complete weekly meetings and assigned action cards to improve your project’s score.

  • Complete hazard and observation safety actions while conducting meetings to increase the positive impact on the score.

Accessing Meeting Reports via the Safesite Mobile App

Safesite mobile users can review and export meeting reports through the SafetyHQ section in the mobile app.

1. Navigate to SafetyHQ

2. Select Meetings

3. Select a Project if prompted to do so

4. You can filter meetings by the date range, whether they are Open or Closed, Person, or Meeting Topic.

Note: Open meetings are only viewable by the user who is conducting the meeting. Once a meeting is completed it will be able to be viewed by others by selecting the Closed filter.

5. You can send a PDF of a meeting to anyone inside or outside of your organization by entering valid email addresses after selecting the Export button.

Click on the links below to learn more about how to log each Safety Action on the Safesite Mobile app:

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