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Safety Campaigns Management

Scheduling Safety Campaigns is a great way for a Project Admin to assign specific inspection and meeting templates to Field Users.

Crystal King avatar
Written by Crystal King
Updated over a year ago

You can think of a Safety Campaign as a group of safety actions assigned to specific personnel on a set schedule. Campaigns help improve accountability and safety engagement by allowing admins to specify the meeting or inspection template they want their personnel to complete.

Watch this video to learn more about creating and managing Safety Campaigns:

In this article:

How to Create a Safety Campaign

1. Log into the Safesite desktop app ( Select the project you would like to create a Campaign under. Navigate to the Safety HQ tab and select Campaigns.

2. Next, select New Campaign, the screen will redirect to the Safety Campaign Editor screen.

3. To begin, enter a Campaign Title that describes the initiative you want to assign Safety Actions for.

For example, if the campaign is daily, you may create a campaign for “Daily Vehicle Inspections”. For a weekly campaign, the title can be “Weekly Safety Actions”. Seasonal campaigns for example, during the summer months, you may create a campaign for “Heat Exhaustion Prevention”.

4. Select Schedule Campaign to set the Frequency, Start Date, and End Date of the Campaign.

  • Frequency refers to the cadence of this campaign.

    • Selecting Daily means the campaign will provide mobile users with new safety action cards that reset each weekday. You have the ability to customize assigned safety actions for each weekday.

    • Selecting Weekly means the campaign and its accompanying safety action requirements will restart every week.

    • One-off means the assigned safety actions are required to be completed once, meaning the actions will not refresh weekly.

      Note: One-off actions will appear in Weekly Action Summaries (on Project Dashboards & Reports) or Analysis page heatmaps if the action assigned has an end date within that given week.

  • Start Date can be immediate, meaning personnel assigned will receive the safety action requirements once the Campaign is Set Live. You can also set the Campaign to be scheduled for a future date.

  • End Date can be set to ongoing, meaning it will continue until you either set an end date or the campaign is paused or archived. Paused and archived campaigns will no longer appear on the mobile app. You can also set a custom end date in order to specify when this campaign will stop running.

5. Select Safety Actions to choose specific templates and actions you want to assign.

To assign safety actions and templates, select the + ADD ACTION button, and select the Safety Action you want personnel to complete and the total amount of each for that week.

If you assign Inspections or Meetings you will have the option to Select Templates to assign to Mobile app users.

Note: If the Required option is selected, mobile users will only be able to use the assigned template to complete the action card. If the Optional option is selected, the template can be swapped out for a different one directly from the mobile app.

Rotating Templates

If you are scheduling Campaigns that repeat daily or weekly, you can schedule templates and safety actions that change either day to day or week to week. This feature is great for safety plans in which personnel need to complete different toolbox talks (meeting templates) or inspections on specific days or weeks.

Scheduling Daily Campaigns

Click + ADD DAY to schedule safety actions for upcoming days.

If an ongoing daily campaign is scheduled without an end date, the action cards will automatically restart with Day 1 and cycle through each day.

In addition, actions for specific days can be deleted if there are days mobile users don’t need to complete safety actions.

Scheduling Weekly Campaigns

Click + ADD WEEK to schedule safety actions for upcoming weeks.

If an ongoing campaign is scheduled without an end date, the campaign will automatically restart with Week 1 and cycle through each week’s actions as the weeks go on.


Targeted areas of risk with weekly meetings, inspections, and observations

Create a campaign to target identified areas of risk by coordinating meetings and inspections to match a weekly theme. Build out several weeks of top priority themes for your industry to ensure your team rotates through the appropriate safety topics.

Create a second weekly campaign to run in parallel that assigns an observation. Ideally, these observations will document a successful implementation of the current week’s strategic safety initiative.

Daily toolbox talks

This configuration works great if your team rotates through a different type of meeting every day, and you want to make it easy for users in the field to know which meetings they will go through during the upcoming week.

If you set up 5 templates, you can do a weekly update to prep the next week. Alternatively, you can configure several months at a time and not have to worry about coming back to make changes.

Note: If you make any safety action edits to an active campaign with a weekly frequency, these changes will not appear until the following week.

Selecting a specific template will make it so the Action card on the field user’s mobile app already has the template preselected.

Action cards with required templates will show with a dash. This indicates that a mobile user cannot change which template can be completed. Action cards without the dash have optional templates that can be swapped out for a different one. (See below)

6. Select Assign Personnel, then click + Add Personnel to select specific personnel whom you’d like to assign the Campaign. The list shown is based on the Project Personnel list.

Note: If you remove personnel from a campaign after it is live, changes will go into effect immediately and the action cards will also be removed. If you add personnel to an existing campaign, changes will go into effect the next week and the action cards will be visible at that point.

7. Finally, when you’re done reviewing and setting up the Campaign, click Set Live or Schedule and you’re all done!

Recommended Getting Started Articles for Organization Admins:

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