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Weekly and Monthly Reports

Breakdown of weekly and monthly reports on Safety Action Items.

Crystal King avatar
Written by Crystal King
Updated over a week ago

Safesite's Weekly & Monthly reports combine all individual safety action reports such as Hazards, Inspections, etc., into one easy-to-read document.

In this article:

Viewing Weekly and Monthly Reports

  1. Select the appropriate Project or Group from the drop-down menu.

3. Click the Safety HQ tab and select either Weekly or Monthly Reports.

Depending upon your selection, the page will redirect to the Weekly Report or Monthly Reports page where all available reports are listed in reverse chronological order.

4. Click the report you wish to review.

The page will redirect to the export to pdf page where you can search for a user or enter an email address directly to receive the report.

Understanding Report Summaries

Project Reports

Weekly & monthly reports provide a breakdown of Safety Action Items completed by personnel that are scheduled within Safety Campaigns. You will see the total completed over the total required in each column.

The project reports will also show the actions of personnel who have not had Campaigns assigned to them. If Safety Actions have not been assigned to individual personnel, the number of completed actions will show over zero and the total percentage will show as N/A.

  • Within this Percentage of Weekly Safety Actions completed section, you will see a table of all assigned weekly safety action items on a project level broken down by personnel.

  • Each row will display a personnel's action item breakdown by providing the total completed vs. the total required for the week or month.

In the example above, Rio Kolseth completed 1 inspection and 1 observation for the week even though they were not assigned. It shows 2/0 to account for those actions while displaying N/A because there was none assigned.

Michael Fidler had 1 observation and 1 inspection assigned. He completed them all in addition to an extra meeting. The total percentage then shows as 100% with a total of 3/2 actions completed to account for the extra meeting.

Group Reports

Weekly & monthly reports are accessible for Groups and provide a breakdown of Safety Action Items completed per project.

  • Within this Percentage of Weekly Safety Actions Completed section, you will see a table of Actions scheduled in Safety Campaigns on a group level broken down by each project.

  • Each row will display a project's action item breakdown by providing the total of assigned actions that were completed vs. the total required for the week or month.

  • The total required is determined by the number of action items assigned in Safety Campaigns on the project.

  • Unlike project reports, group reports will not account for actions completed outside of those which were assigned within Safety Campaigns.

The report then shows a total breakdown of each Safety Action, as shown below.

What this means is that if a user completes a safety item without a weekly action applied, it will still be visible in this total safety item breakdown.

Inspections completed will total all the inspections completed regardless of whether they were assigned or not.

Best Inspection Performer will show the Personnel with the most inspections completed during the date range of the report.

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