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Understanding the Safesite Score

Score factors and frequently asked questions.

Crystal King avatar
Written by Crystal King
Updated over 3 years ago

The Safesite Score is a letter grade calculated daily to quantify your project member’s safety engagement and performance within the Safesite app. The score is presented from A to D and is generated for projects via the Projects Dashboard and groups via the Groups Dashboard

Keep in mind: By default, the score is based on the engagement level of project members with all of Safesite’s safety action modules enabled: Inspections, Hazards, Observations, Meetings, Incident Reports, and Equipment. If you want to change which safety actions are factored into your score, ask the org admin of this account to go to Org -- Settings -- Score Management.

Score Factors: What affects my Safesite Score?

1. Consistent Weekly Action Completion (high impact)

Make sure to assign weekly safety actions to all project members (including admins) and maintain a high completion rate. This can be done by creating and assigning Safety Campaigns with Safety Actions that are set to repeat weekly.

If you have some members on a project not completing actions consistently or not assigned any at all, it can negatively affect your score.

Admins can utilize our Project dashboards and leaderboards to see in real-time who is fulfilling their weekly actions requirement.

2. Maximizing Personnel Engagement (high impact)

What we mean by ‘diversity of personnel engagement' is that it’s important to have as many members as possible on a project completing safety actions consistently. The more personnel engaged on a project the better your score. For example, having 80% of your project members consistently engaged will result in a better score than if only 30% of the members on a project are engaged.

3. Decay & Inactivity (med impact)

Consistency is critical to keeping a good score. Days with little to no activity will negatively impact your score. If you’re done with a particular project, make sure to archive it so your score doesn’t continue to run.

4. Incomplete Safety Actions (med impact)

Resolving hazards and other safety actions in a timely fashion can help you build a strong score. Do not allow hazards or other items to remain open for too long or else it can negatively bring down your score.

Frequently asked questions

Can I customize what safety actions are used to calculate the score?

Yes, as shown in the screenshot below, if you navigate to Organization > Settings > Score Management you can turn On/Off safety actions accordingly. Turning Off a specific safety action means personnel can still complete the action but the score will no longer factor it into its calculation.

Which personnel does the score take into account?

Project admin and Members (anyone who is not a Guest) will be factored into the Safesite Score.

Do archived items affect my score?

Archived items will not factor into your score, once an item is archived you will need to unarchive it in order to have it appear in your reporting.

Why is my score N/A?

  • When a project has no activity for 40 days your score will revert to an N/A with a 'no recent activity' label shown.

  • On the Project Dashboard or Group Dashboard, a score might also show as N/A on a Monday if "this week" is selected as the date range since Monday is not yet complete and the score calculation runs end of day.

Any other tips?


  • Complete inspection on a regular basis

  • Attach hazards, observations, and other actions to inspections where applicable


  • Raise and resolve hazards in a timely manner

  • Do not let unresolved hazards remain open for too long


  • Engage in regular safety meetings and maximize attendance

  • Attach observations, hazards, and other actions to meetings where and when applicable


  • Log, manage, and closeout incident reports promptly

  • Add the root causes and resolve any hazards attached to an incident report


  • Complete both Positive and Negative safety observations regularly

  • Attach observations to Inspections and Meeting answers where applicable


  • Add, maintain and inspect equipment as required and on time

  • Do not let equipment have incomplete or overdue inspections

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