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Managing Personnel for Project Admins

Add new or manage existing personnel on your project using the Project Personnel Register.

Crystal King avatar
Written by Crystal King
Updated over 12 months ago

Safesite makes managing the personnel on your projects easy with the Project Personnel Register. This is a list of your personnel where you can edit information, features, and add personnel as needed.

Watch this video to learn more about Project Personnel Management:

In this article:

Navigate to the Project Personnel page:

  1. Select the appropriate project from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click the Project Details tab and select Personnel.

  3. You'll be redirected to the Project Personnel page where you'll find your Personnel List which is a list of current personnel assigned to your project.

Invite New Personnel to a Project

Use the steps below to invite personnel on the Safesite Desktop at the Project Level.

  1. Click the ADD PERSONNEL button.

  2. In the popup window, use the gray text box to type in the email addresses of each person you wish to Invite. As you type in emails, they will be added to the list.

  3. If you invite Personnel as a Project Admin or Member they will take up an Org Member Seat if using a Premium account.

  4. You can add a team and Personnel Type by using the corresponding dropdown menus. If a team is not listed you can create a new team from the team dropdown menu.

4. Click CONTINUE, the listed emails will receive an invitation to the Safesite app.

Note: The invite link will expire after 48 hours and can be resent by selecting Resend Invite.

Safesite - Safety Management Software 2022-04-11 at 5.12.10 PM

Project Level Personnel Types

Project Admin or Org Admin can edit the permissions of Project Personnel by changing the Type to Admin, Member, or Guest.

  • Admin: Project Admin will have access to manage the Project on the Safesite Desktop. They also have access to the Safesite Mobile App to enter Safety Actions. Project admins will receive email notifications regarding status changes that happen in the Project.

  • Member: Members will only have access to the Project on the Safesite Mobile App to enter Safety Actions. They will not see reporting on the Safesite Desktop for the Project and will see this message if they try logging into the Safesite Desktop.

  • Guest: Guests can be given access to Projects on the Safesite Mobile App to enter Safety Actions, but they will not be able to view the Safesite Desktop. The Safety Actions completed by Guests will not be factored into the Safesite Score. The Guest user type does not take up a paid seat.

Removing Personnel from a Project

To remove an individual from a project select REMOVE and they will not be able to access the project on the Safesite Mobile app any longer.

For more information review these related articles:

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