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Managing Personnel for Organization Admins

Org admins can add, remove, manage assigned projects and permissions for the personnel in their organization.

Crystal King avatar
Written by Crystal King
Updated over a year ago

Safesite has several features available to help Organization Administrators keep track and manage all of the personnel within the organization.

This article will cover adding personnel, as well as managing profiles and projects within the Organization tab.

In this article:

Use the steps below to access the Personnel in your organization.

 1. Log in to

2. Click the Organization tab and select Personnel.

You'll be redirected to the Organization Personnel page where you'll see a list of all personnel in your organization where you can add new personnel and manage any changes.

Invite New Personnel to the Organization

1. Click the Add Personnel button.

2. In the popup window, use the gray text box to type in the email addresses of personnel you wish to add. As you type in emails, they will be added to the list.

3. Use the dropdown menu next to each listed email to adjust the Organization Personnel type to Org Admin or Member and add new personnel to projects upon initially inviting them.

  • Org Admins have access to all projects within the desktop portal for reporting purposes but will need to be added to specific projects if they would like to enter safety actions or view reports on the Safesite mobile app.

  • Members must be added to specific projects to be able to enter safety actions or view reports on the Safesite mobile app. Members can also be added as a Project Admin at the project level if they require access to the Safesite desktop’s Reporting and Analytics for specific projects.

  • Guests who have been invited at the project level can complete any safety actions within the mobile app, such as recording observations, raising/resolving hazards, and conducting inspections. They can also be assigned safety actions through Campaigns. The permissions for Guests can be changed at the project level if there is a need to update their user type. Guests can also be added as Co-Creators on Safety Items and as Meeting attendees while conducting Meetings on the Safesite Mobile app. The Guest user type does not take up a paid seat.

4. Click ADD.

The listed emails will receive an invitation to the Safesite Mobile app and the projects selected.

Note: The invite link will expire after 48 hours and can be resent by selecting Resend Invite.

Removing Personnel from Organization

Selecting REMOVE from the "..." under ACTIONS will remove the selected personnel from ALL of your projects and organization.

Edit Personnel Profiles

Personnel Profiles is where you'll keep important personnel information up to date like contact details, health & emergency details as well as manage personnel daily & weekly summary notification settings.

Use the steps below to manage personnel details.

1. Click the Profile button on the personnel you wish to edit.

2. Make changes to personnel name, company, email, role, and additional key information that's covered below.

3. Click Save.

  • Contact details: update phone number, address, etc.

  • Health & Emergency Details: Provide personnel blood type, and emergency contact details. 

  • Daily Summary Notifications: Toggle if the selected personnel will receive daily summary notifications, and the time they'll be sent.

  • Weekly Summary Notifications: Toggle if the selected personnel will receive weekly summary notifications, and the date/time they'll be sent.

  • Certificates: Add and manage personnel certifications.

Manage Personnel Projects

Use the steps below to manage the projects that the personnel in your organization are assigned to.

1. Click on the "..." and select PROJECTS from the dropdown list of the personnel you want to manage.

You'll be redirected to the Assigned Projects page.

2. Toggle the On Project button to add or remove the personnel to the project, or toggle the Project Admin button to add or remove admin status.

Tip: Click the ADD USER TO ALL PROJECTS button to quickly add personnel as a Member to any available projects in the organization so they can access all Projects on the Safesite Mobile app.

For more information review these related articles:

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