The Safesite Inbox houses notifications related to the projects a Safesite user belongs to. The notifications found in the inbox include hazard statuses and project invites. Safesite users can access the inbox through the Safesife Mobile app or the Safesite Desktop.
Safesite Inbox on the mobile app
1. Open the Safesite app on your mobile device.
2. Select the Inbox icon “ ✉ “ at the bottom of the screen
3. Click on any notification to view a project invite or review, add comments or resolve hazards.
4. After reviewing the notification, it will automatically be removed from the list.
You can also select Mark as Read for a summary of the notification and to remove it from the list.
Safesite Inbox on the desktop
1. Log in to
2. Select the Inbox icon “ ✉ “ at the top right of the screen
3. In the dropdown, view notifications for all projects that you are a part of. Notifications provide a brief Hazard summary and invitations to projects.
4. Use the CLEAR ALL button to clear all of the notifications from this view