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Product Updates: November 2021
Product Updates: November 2021

Notes on everything released in the month of November

Peter avatar
Written by Peter
Updated over a week ago

Export individual safety action reports all at once!🎉

Available for all web users

This is a small but important change for all you Safesite admins. We've made changes to our Reports -- Export functionally to give you the ability to export more than 1 individual report at once. As shown below, if you click more than 1 report then hit Export (via email or download) we'll give you a zip file that includes all of the reports individually and 1 report that's a summary list view.

Weekly & Monthly Reports - Personnel who complete actions but were not assigned Campaigns will now appear on the 'Safety Actions Completed' Table

Available for all web users

As you'll notice in the screenshot below, all Weekly & Monthly Reports will now show the personnel who were assigned campaigns and also show personnel who completed actions but were not assigned campaigns during the timeframe. We heard a lot of requests to change this for quicker and more visible reporting of all personnel who complete actions.

As shown below personnel who complete actions but were not assigned campaigns will have a denominator of 0 with a total % of NA since they were not required a specific amount to complete.

Org Admins can now view any action on the web app without being added to the project

Available for all web users

Before this change, an org admin had to be added as a member of the project before being able to view details of specific action reports. As shown below, now an org admin can go to a project via Org -- Projects and view or export any report.

Released mobile app version 7.0.6!

Available for all mobile users

Nothing major in this update, just lots of minor enhancements and bug fixes.

  • Safesite Library template enhancements to no longer default store all Safesite Library templates for you to use offline. We will only store templates you've used or one in your 'My Org' library

  • The change above will significantly improve the initial sync process when you log in and overall performance of our app

  • Lots of bug fixes & minor enhancements

Make sure to update your Safesite app so you have the latest changes and send any product feedback to [email protected]

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