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Product Updates: March 2021
Product Updates: March 2021

Notes on everything released in the month of March

Peter avatar
Written by Peter
Updated over 4 years ago

New! Hazard Reports Table

Available for all web users

We've done a full revamp of our Reports tables starting with Hazards! You can expect to see more updates to other action Reports tables in the coming weeks. With this new table you can now:

  • Export all data via CSV & Excel files! Before this change, you were only able to export the data shown on the table. Now you can choose to only export the visible columns or export all data associated with the Hazards. Click 'export' and then choose which file type you want, the associated data (all data vs. only what's visible), and how to receive it (email to yourself vs. download).

  • Edit the columns you want to view. Instead of being stuck with the default columns we give you, we've added the ability for you to choose which columns you want to view or not view. Simply click 'columns' to dynamically change which column data you want to view.

  • Map is now below the table, you can click 'map' to jump to it.

  • Enhancements to filters and overall design when viewing on Tablets and iPads

New! Custom date ranges on all Analysis charts

Available for all web users

This is something we've wanted to change for quite some time now. You can now choose any custom date range when viewing our Analysis charts and graphs. Check it out below:

Weekly & Monthly Reports -- Chart Enhancements

Available for all web users

  • Consolidated charts and reportd better so more than 1 can fit on 1 page, saving paper and unnecessary scrolling.

  • Fixed all bar charts on Monthly Reports so they show the entirety of the month. Before, there was a bug that would only show the first 6 days.

  • Fixed all the bar charts so they no longer cap the daily counter (y-axis) at 10. It now changes dynamically based on the number of Inspections or Hazards Recorded.

Observations -- Analysis -- Minor Chart Enhancements

Available for all web users

  • Made an improvement to the previous "Recorded By" chart so that it's 2 charts based on Observation type for better accuracy. One is now for "Observations - Negative Recorded by Personnel" and the other "Observations - Positive Recorded by Personnel" so you can compare the Positive Observations to Negative.

Personnel -- 'Pending' invites fixed

Available for all web users

If you're a project or organization admin, you may have noticed some personnel with a pending label next to their name when you navigated to the Personnel list for a specif project or org. Turns out there was a bug where this pending wouldn't go away in some situations, even after they signed up. We've made a change which has fixed this issue moving forward.

Inactive Project enhancements

Available for all web users

  • Project Dashboard -- For projects that are inactive, we will now show a N/A score during the time period it was inactive. Before this fix, it would incorrectly show a B.

  • Org -- Projects List -- For projects that are inactive, we will now show a N/A score and an inactive label to inform the admin of the project's status. Previously, it incorrectly showed a D.

  • It's important to note that a project gets flagged as inactive if there are 40 consecutive days of 0 safety actions created

Make sure to update your Safesite app so you have the latest changes and send any product feedback to [email protected]

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