Locations -- Minor enhancements in the admin web dashboard
Available for all web users
Fixed a bug in which archived locations were appearing within the location filter dropdown when a user navigates to the Reports screen for either the Equipment, Observation, or Incident reports views. Archived locations should no longer appear, if an admin wants to restore an archive location they must go to Project Details -- Locations -- Show Archived.
Minor enhancement to the Project Details -- Location view so that when an admin archives a location, they are not automatically refreshed to page 1. Instead, we will keep the admin on the current page after the archive location action is done.
You can now create a new location while creating a new or editing an existing Incident Report
Analysis -- Minor Chart Enhancements
Available for all web users
When an Analysis Chart is exported, we're now showing the chart's title label on the exported file to make it easier to understand the data being shown.
Added a new 'Location Breakdown' chart on the Incidents -- Analysis page
Templates -- Link & Link Text to Display
Available for all web users
'Link Text to Display' field is no longer required for a link to display. This means the admin can enter only a 'Link' and it will display as its own url.
We've added character counters to both 'Link' and 'Link Text to Display' that decrements as characters are entered
Make sure to update your Safesite app so you have the latest changes and send any product feedback to [email protected]