Weekly or Monthly reports now includes all Meeting data
Available for all users on the web app
We caught an issue where not all Meeting action data was appearing on Weekly or Monthly reports for Projects and Groups. You should now see all meeting action data shown on the top page summary along with a full Meeting page with each meeting's data attached.
New Projects created to start with a B Safesite Score
Available for all users on the web app
Minor tweak but something worth noting. Now, when a new project is created it should start with a letter grade of B allowing you and your team to start off on the right foot.
Bug fix for creating actions on iOS 13
Available for all mobile app users
Some of you may not have experienced this issue, but on mobile we found a pesky bug that was giving users issues when it came to creating safety actions. We pinned it down and have released a new version on the app store that resolves the issue.
Make sure to update your Safesite app so you have the latest changes and send any product feedback to [email protected]